Did you know Traffic Group Signals offers fleet repair, maintain and refresh services?
As part of our commitment to sustainability, we work with customers to keep serviceable equipment remains perfectly operational throughout it’s lifespan. We aim to prevent useful materials and components from reaching landfill through recycling, re-use or remanufacture wherever possible.
That’s why we were delighted when Signal TM asked us what we could do with some of their ageing portable signal fleet.
The refresh was commissioned by Signal TM in Kidderminster, the firm known for their stunning pink fleet, as they needed to meet growing demand for work without having to hire replacement signals or buy new. They had around 30 Micro signals that were gathering dust in the yard and a growing job list so something needed to be done. Tom Miles, Sr Commercial Manager at Traffic Group Signals worked with Pat Ryan at Signal TM to coordinate the delivery, assessment and repair of their fleet throughout December.
As part of our hire and repair offering, the signals were brought into our newly renovating Pike Works factory, where each light would be assessed and repairs quoted. To support Signal TM during the repair process, they took some equipment from us on short term hire.
Tough Life on the Road
With even the best care and maintenance routine, a tough life on the road can take its toll on the most robust of signals.
Each unit that came in was individually assessed by the team at the Pike Works, with a range of common issues identified.
Typical issues included controller faults, damage to equipment, aerial issues and ensuring battery and controller lids were secure. There were also parts missing, such as the prop stands used for wind stability and handle bar grips, which improve ergonomics and provide grip in wet conditions.
Many of the issues are low cost to repair but make a big difference in terms of security and usability of the signals.

“The signals brought in had a range of issues which meant they weren’t suitable for roadside use, such as broken battery flap doors, damaged wiring, and aerials. We could see that much of the issues could be rectified quickly and at reasonably low cost, preventing these lights from either sitting in SignalTM’s quarantine area or from being scrapped. For an average cost of less than a few hundred pounds per signal, our customer now has over 30 signals back fit for purpose and out on essential roadworks sites – keeping both roadworkers and the public safe whilst works are completed.”
– Tom Miles, Traffic Group Signals

The 5 key reasons why you should regularly check and maintain your signals
1. Safety
Regular maintenance, repair and testing ensures that the signal works properly and reduces the risk of failure during operation. This includes checking items such as damaged aerials, cable looms and batteries.
Components such as the prop stands often go missing, however they are important to ensure wind stability in extreme conditions.
2. Battery Security
Battery theft is a common occurrence in the industry, this is normally caused by physically prising open the battery flap doors or breaking the security locks.
We are able to replace flap doors and security locks to restore the integrity of the equipment.
3. Reputation
Rusted units, missing parts, damaged equipment – doesn’t look great by the roadside does it? We see traffic signals as an extension of your brand, which should be kept looking their best like the rest of your fleet.
We are able to replace or restore damaged components or flaking paint work, getting you looking good as new without the cost of buying new.
4. Cost savings
It’s better for the environment and your wallet to keep your signals running for as long as possible. If your equipment still complies to industry regulations and is just looking a little tired then a factory refurbish could give your signals a new lease of life for less than the cost of buying new.
5. Usability
Finally, small items such as handle bar grips, prop stands, antennas, barrel locks and controller fault checks improve the usability for operatives.
They can ensure the equipment works as expected and is easier to use than well worn signals.
If you have signals that need reviving, Traffic Group Signals can help.
As part of our customer support offering, your nearly retired signals will go through the same re-build process as our new products, ensuring all functional and safety standards are met before we return them to you. We are also able to provide you with signals for hire during the repair so that you can maintain fleet levels as required.
For more information about signal repair and hire, please speak to your Commercial Manager or contact us for more information.
Signal TM are key partners within the UK Civil Engineering and Construction industries, protecting the travelling public and facilitating the repair, maintenance and renewal of Britain’s roads, railway and utilities infrastructure.
For more information about Signal Traffic Management, please visit their website: Signal TM